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Company Updates:
New Unified Firmware update coming soon!
- Encoder Noise Filter – Helps to address hardware issues where the encoder acts like it is being pressed when it is not
- EZOffset Wizard – Provides guided Offset adjustment and compensation for twisted X Axis
- Added Stuck Endstop detection – Detects stuck endstops before homing and warns user
- Added config export for 32bit boards – saves with M503 C to SD card file
- Added new heater, fan, and bed icons
- Added heater progress bars
- Added PETG Preheat Setting
- Updated ABS and PLA Preheat Settings
- Added new Unified 2 Boot Screen
- Bring back old th3d boot screen by adding #define TH3D_LOGO_BOOTSCREEN to your configuration.h file
- Improved ABL Mesh Data by upscaling data between points
Printer Roast Stream on the 20th, dont forget to enter for your chance to win!
E3D releases new PZ Probe
Kit for the Revo Voron hotend as well as standalone kits
A1 Mini Multi Plate Automation
3DFindIt browser plugin for 3d model searches
3Dfindit Introduces Browser Plug-In for Seamless 3D Model Searches « Fabbaloo
RAD Printing
3D Printed Housing in Illinois