AnyCubic Chiron LCD Conversion Kit

(3 customer reviews)

From: $44.43

Replace your Chiron LCD with a 12864 for more control and features. Compatible with our EZABL Kits. This kit is designed by TH3D for the AnyCubic Chiron Printers. Pre-setup firmware is included. Comes with ALL the screws, LCD, Housing, PCB Housing, Washers, and Cables needed to install the upgrade.

TH3D AnyCubic Chiron 12864 LCD Case - ABS

AnyCubic Chiron LCD Conversion Accessory Parts

80 in stock

Longer LCD Cables × 2

$1.49 each

291 in stock

12864 LCD for use with the Chiron

Cables included.

44 in stock

LCD Mounting/Housing Screws - 8 Pack

This is for 8x LCD Mounting Screw for our Printed Part LCD Housings

949 in stock

Dupont Jumper Wire Pack - 120 Pieces - 20CM or 30CM Length

Used for connecting from the PCB to the control board

Unified 2 Firmware for the AnyCubic Chiron

Have an ABL probe?

Replace your Chiron springs with our solid bed mounts

Add on the bootloader flashing kit?

Later models of the Chiron may not have a bootloader. This kit allows you to flash it.

In stock